Saturday, September 18, 2010

My opinion on Drow Games.

Lately, My lecturer Dr. Jayakaran Mukunden introduced to us a new method in teaching vocabulary. It is called Drow Games. It is an online game where friends could challenge one another. The best part of the drow game is the top ten players will receive a price. ( 1 IPod Touch for the top player and 1 IPod Nano for each of the subsequent top 10)
In my humble opinion, this method of incorporating video/computer games into learning will definitely result in making the learning process a whole lot more fun. It is a fact that we no longer live in an era of traditional teaching and learning method. Therefore, as teachers, we need to adept to the current trend of learning. Since teenagers nowadays are very interested in gaming, using the drow game software can make learning much more fun.
One should really develop such teaching methods so that learning would be much more fun. Once the software is being developed to include more aspects of English such as grammar and sentence structuring, teaching English will be a much much fun subject to teach and learn. By rewarding students who perform well in such games further motivates learning as well. Perhaps in the near future, the government will seriously consider including gaming into the English language syllabus.

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