Saturday, September 18, 2010


For my first blog entry, I shall write a review on a movie I have watched recently. The title of the movie is Mona Lisa smile. It is a 2003 American film that was produced by Revolution Studios and Columbia Pictures in association with Red Om Films Productions, directed by Mike Newell, written by Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal, and starring Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Maggie Gyllenhaal, and Julia Stiles. The story is revolves around the teaching life of Katherine Ann Watson. This movie has enlightened my understanding on the teaching profession in a few ways.
First and foremost, it teaches me to never underestimate my students. The students showed in this film are very hardworking. So much that Ms Katherine is unable to teach them due to the students having read and understand the entire textbook. Therefore, it is advisable for a teacher to come up with a backup plan in case such a scenario occurs.
Secondly, it is very hard to be a good teacher and a good family person at the same time. This is due to a teacher’s dedication towards his or her work. More often than not, a good teacher would spend much less time with their family thus leading to various problems.
Finally, it is important to understand your students. It is a job of a good teacher to understand their student’s potential in order to guide them on the right path. A good example of such quality is the scene where Ms Katherine’s advice both Elizabeth "Betty" Warren and Joan Brandwyn to make the right choice.
To me, this is a very god movie. I am sure my course mates and I have learned a lot of aspects regarding teaching from watching this movie.

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