Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Doubts after simulated teaching on applying them in real life situation.

There is an unanswered question that I asked myself after my recent simulated teaching. Can the simulated teaching that I’ve went through recently be used in real life situation? This question aroused due to my realization of my course mate’s proficiency level. There is no question in my mind that my future students will not share the same language proficiency as them. Therefore, will they be able to absorb the type of activity that I have prepared. Teaching the “Smart classes” would not pose much of a problem. However students in the weaker classes are my main concern. Would they be able to understand the level of language of the text itself, let alone the questions that they need to answer from my activities. Literature components are never easy. From my own experience, I too have suffered difficulties during my school days. I guess that this simulated teaching of mine has somehow made me understand the difficulties of becoming a teacher and the commitments that comes with it. However, it has not dented my interest and determination to become a teacher. I need input from other though to solve this problem of mine. During this upcoming semester break, I shall pay my teachers (I will never call them ex teachers) a visit and ask for their input. I am confident their vast experience in teaching can help me.

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