Sunday, March 22, 2009

The beginning of newfound knowledge in Theater class.

I am a TESL student of UPM and lately, I have been taught on what is Drama. So far in this course I have learnt a few interesting stuff about drama/theatre. First and foremost is how different drama is from the conventional cinema. Theatre is something ephemeral. Unlike cinema movies that one can watch anytime of the year. Once a play is over, its over. This is because of the fact that the audience can’t experience that unique feel ever again. I have also learnt about the history of theatre. For example, the beginning of Theatre with Greek Tragedy such as Oedipus Rex. From there, I also gain knowledge on the various experiences one will have while watching a play. The most interesting of experience is Catharsis where the audience will feel the play emotionally. I have experience Catharsis myself while reading Oedipus Rex and I have to say that this feeling is indeed unique. Of course, I have also learn how to analyze and “TRULY” understand plays as well. During my tutorial lessons we were ask to act short plays and given role playing activities as well. Through these, I more or less understand the effort of playwrights and actors (not being sexist here as male and female involve in a play are now known as actors, no more actors and actresses) they put in to produce their play. The lectures and tutorials so far have not only provide me with new knowledge, they also made me appreciate theatre a little bit more than before.

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