Sunday, March 29, 2009

My strengths in simulated teaching.

It is important to know one’s own strength in order to fully utilize it to become better teachers. One of my strengths is self confidence. I don’t have jitters or doubts when I do my simulated teaching. This is because I know what I am about to teach and how to make it flow fluently. Besides that, I can really project my voice. My voice is loud and clear enough for my students. In my opinion, it is important for the students to hear and understand the teacher in order to learn whatever that is going to be taught by the teacher. I have no worries on how to maintain the volume of my voice, however I am more worried on how to retain my confidence in teaching. In order to do that, I have to do more reading and of course, learn to be more creative. Second, simulated teaching is done in front of my course mates. Therefore it is easy in terms of not going into panic as we are already familiar with each other. It will be a different story when I face forty students who are new to me in my not so distant future. So, I guess the only way is to retain the self confidence is to really know my stuff by reading more. And that’s exactly what I’ll do.

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