Sunday, March 29, 2009

Simulated Teaching

Simulated Teaching.

I’ve done my simulated teaching a couple of days ago. For my simulated teaching, I did teaching of theme for Oedipus Rex. The theme I’ve attempted to teach is “The Reversal of Fortune”. I started my lesson with showing the class two images. One is a picture of a rich man and the other of a beggar. I used the current economic regression to relate it to the class on how reversal of fortune plays its role on the rich man reversal of fortune.(From a rich man into a beggar)
I proceed by using two extract from the play. One extract is from scene 1 when Oedipus is a king and the other one exodus when Oedipus is nobody. Before I started reading the text, I gave instruction to my students, which is to highlight the phrases that explains Oedipus’s character. Next I ask them to determine whether those phrases are positively or negatively connotated. After that, I relate the connotation to how Oedipus have fall from grace. That is more or less what I’ve done for my simulated teaching. It’s a very constructive experience as it gave me a glimpse on what my future teaching life would be like. None the less, it is also good practice in terms of improving my presentation skills.

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