Sunday, March 22, 2009

Drama made easier by the right approach.

Like always, my drama class is filled with fun. Not only have I obtain new knowledge from it every time, it also gave me numerous insights on how to study and revise drama texts. One aspect of my lecture that I would love to blog on is my lecturer’s way of interpreting the play. This is without a doubt the most important aspect of my drama lectures that can enable me to understand more about drama itself. Since reading play is a new experience for me, my lecturer has made it easier by using a simple and comprehensive approach to make us understand the play. For example, my coursemates and I were told that the prophecy of Tiresias in the Greek Tragedy “Oedipus Rex” is imperative to the theme and progress of the entire play. It does not only foreshadow Oedipus’s fate but also provide us insight on one of the plays major theme which is the passage from ignorance to knowledge. Besides looking at foreshadows, we also studied on viewing how to plot progresses. By knowing the plot structure of the play, it is easier to study it since we know the climax and the turning point of the entire play. This made my life easier in terms of knowing the theme and being familiar with the chronological events of the entire play. Furthermore, we were told on which excerpt to pay more attention to in order to achieve deeper understanding of the play. For example the proclamation by Oedipus regarding the punishment awaiting Laois’s killer is imperative to the resolution of the play.In the mean time, I have lots to learn. Hopefully, when it is time for me to teach arrives, I could implement these ways in order to make my future students understand literature. Yes, it will be a challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Drama is so boring for me. However, like what you have said learning drama has a lot of fun if it is doing in correct way. I agree with you that the way Dr. Edwin interpreting drama text can make us easy to understand itself. I really hate to read drama text especially when it comes to classic text. When I know that we have to learn Oedipus Rex, I was like 'oh my good, surely I will die'. However, after taking drama class I found that drama is quite interesting especially when I know how to understand a drama text.If you have the other ways to interpret the text I hope you can share with me. Is that possible for you?
