Monday, October 4, 2010

How the documentary Chalk has enlightened me?

This movie that we saw the other day is something of more substance. Chalk is a documentary about real life teachers. It has struck me a few times when watching all previous movies. Do good teachers only exist in movies? Is it really possible to change the mindset of rebellious teenagers? In this documentary, all the occupation hazards of the teaching profession have been brought into light for all of us aspiring teachers. The teaching profession is a profession where one would go through utmost stress and pressure. It will come from all parties; colleagues, students and the parents of students as well. There are also problems such as inadequate facilities and the organization of the school as well. There are so many factors that made teaching profession the least favorable career path one could undertake. Has it somehow damper my spirit in anyway from becoming a teacher. The answer is NO. When I chose TESL as my course and teaching as a career, I’ve understood the various disadvantages and hazards that I am bound to face. However, the reward of a teacher guiding his or her students towards becoming knowledgeable and useful individuals outweighs all the disadvantages of teaching, and that factor alone made me very proud and glad to have chosen teaching as a profession

1 comment:

  1. a good teacher doesn't exist in movies only. a good teacher also exist in real life. it is not possible for us to changed the mindset of rebellious teenagers. but it may take a long time and it can't changed so sudden. it's true that the successful of a students will be a great experience for teacher and it will outweighs all of the disadvantages of being teacher.
