Saturday, October 2, 2010

Research Fair at Dewan Besar.

Not too long ago, the class and I went to the Dewan Besar for an exhibition where researchers display their research and findings. Overall, it was a fun exhibition as many interesting products were being displayed.
While looking at the many interesting research works, I was amazed by the effort that these researchers put into their works and findings. I tried to put myself into their shoes and think about the countless hours and effort that was being put into those researches. By taking this into account, I do not have a particular favourite research, as all of it requires tons of research and commitment. To me, all of the items displayed are special.
Overall, the exhibition was fun, entertaining and knowledgeable.

1 comment:

  1. it is true dude. all the items displayed are special. i'm sure all of the researchers have put all of their effort to produce the products. same as you, i'm also do not have a particular favourite research. but the Drow Games is quite interesting for me and it is quite fun to play the game.
