Saturday, October 2, 2010

Toomba" by Saieen Zahoor and Lady Gaga's "Alejandro

I remember that Dr. Jaya showed us two music videos. One is Toomba by Saieen Zahoor and the second is Lady Gaga’s Alejandro. The first video is my first experience of the genre. I could not say I hate it, nor could I say that I love it. It is too traditional for my taste. However, I do respect their ability to play those instruments. Any music that requires the musician to play their own background music is a big plus point to me.
The second video was never really shown to us in class. It was Lady Gaga’a Alejandro. We were only told to listen to the song since there were “inappropriate” scenes in the music video. In my opinion, the only selling point of Lady Gaga was her sexy dressing. She has a unique voice, but that is all. I am never a fan of Lady Gaga. This is because most modern music nowadays are thrash. Lady Gaga included. They lack the passion and soul that were found in most musicians back in the 70s and 80s. I would not be surprised if no one remembers Lady Gaga 10-15 years from today. However it has been almost 50 years and the names Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones are still as big as ever. Get my point on passion and soul? Anyway, Dr.Jaya was praising the music video of Alejandro and we were given an assignment to watch it on youtube. Well, if it is on youtube, I believe it is perfectly alright to show it in class. The fact is there is nothing obscene with undergarments. Well, I don’t really like it but that is my own opinion, Go watch it and feel free to like it.

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