Saturday, October 2, 2010

To be rich or wealthy?

To me, being rich and wealthy are two different things. By being wealthy, it means you have buying power. One who is wealthy is able to enjoy anything money can buy. He or she could buy the fanciest of clothes, go for the most luxurious of holidays, eat the most sumptuous of meals, live in beautiful houses and drive exotic cars.
On the other hand, rich is quite subjective. One can be rich in terms of knowledge, health, moral values or family warmth. In general, every single individual would want to be both rich and wealthy.
The question is, if you can only choose one? Which of the two would you rather have? Personally, I wish to be rich. If possible, I want to be rich in terms of knowledge. The reason is because one could have all the money in the world. However, history has proved it many times that nothing fluctuates more than buying power. Imagine the stress, pressure and the paranoid that a wealthy person goes through everyday. Not a life I want for sure. I want a life that is enriched with knowledge. Knowledge that could help me become a better individual and better still, guiding others with my knowledge into becoming better individuals. Remember this, knowledge is power and the path to being knowledge rich is the path I will love to undertake.

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