Monday, October 4, 2010

Teaching Practical

The other day when I filled up the form for my teaching practical, I did it with joy. The joy of knowing that very soon, I will be out doing my teaching practical. With the knowledge that I have gained for the pass 6 semesters, I am sure that I will be well equipped to teach in a couple of months time. Besides feeling happy about it, I have also asked myself a number of questions. How would my colleagues in the school that I will be teaching treat me? Would they take advantage of trainee teachers to do their dirty work? What type of students would I be teaching? Which invigilator would I get for my practical teaching? Would finding accommodation for 3 months in Malacca be a problem, and many more. All these questions would be answered in due time. So I have decided not to worry too much about it and enjoy. I am sure my knowledge that I’ve gained in UPM would help me tremendously.

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