Monday, October 4, 2010

To be or not to be a perfectionist?

Is it important to be a perfectionist? To me, it is an important characteristic to possess if one desires to be the best among the best. However, if one is being obsessed by it, perfectionism could self destruct a person. This could be a result of one developing fear/paranoid in doing things. By being too obsessed with everything being perfect, one will fall harder than those with lower expectations. It is good to put in your very best but allow some space for yourself just in case things do not turn out quite the way you want it to be. Personally, I don’t believe in being a perfectionist. I do not believe in competition with an outside factor. My greatest rival is myself. As long as I can outdo myself, improve myself, I don’t mind being a non-perfectionist. As long as one has already tried their best, they should have no regrets at all.

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